Renters renew contracts

Renters renew contracts

Renters are more likely to renew their tenancy if they are renting through an agent than directly through a landlord, 75% compared to 68% (Property Academy).

Yet nearly half of all private landlords were not using an agent to let or manage their properties, according to a survey of private landlords (DLUHC).

Over half (53%) of renters who have an opinion on who they rent from, prefer to use a letting agent rather than deal directly with a landlord (HomeLet).

The private rented sector has doubled over the last ten years, accounting for 19% of households. 43% of landlords owned just one rental property (DLUHC) and would benefit from the services of a professional agent.


Source: Dataloft, Property Academy Survey 2022 (6,800+ renters), HomeLet Survey 12,000+ renters 2022, DLUHC 2021

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